
manual focus is better than others :) muahaha.. gamba disebelah hanyelah pinjaman semata-mata. kat sini pn ade banyak gamba jugak.. click jgn x clik.. :D

wiki wiki eh eh~

wiki wiki eh eh~
emm.. ade assignment stuff. site ni utk info2 je. educational purpose. click kat sini kalo nak bace~~


kat sini pn ade gambaq je... click kat gamba sebelah kalo nak tgk lagi banyak gamba.. muahahaha~

warkah buat ko~wahai ngkau yg bergelar FAT PIG!

| Thursday 28 April 2011
That stupid fat pig! siyesly aku never felt sorry for him~ 
mmg mcm kurang ajar stetment diatas tu.. tapi mmg tu yang aku rase wat mase skrg.. afta bace blog yg ditulis oleh syahmi tu.. i felt so amused! hahaha~ hambik ko sbijik.. ehh..silap..bukan sbijik..3,4,5 bijik.. serve you right la dude~ and you shud realizd how much we HATE you... bcuz of ur perangai lagak bodoh sombong ko 2.. agak2 la wei.. we're not stupid as you la bastard.. memang patot pn syahmi kutuk ko abis2.. sbb ko mmg BIG FAT LOSER! bleh masak ayam kicap taw... bajet ko baik sgt.. spatotnye ko 2 da lame dicloroxkan oleh mereka2 which you've called them 'Monkey, beggars' and whatsoever la kan yg EQ n IQnye lebih tinggi dari ko 2... even though aku bukan classmate korg.. but i think i know them better than u.. and i think i know syahmi better than u.. yg ko sebok dok kutuk2 dia walhal ko xsebaik dia pn... or ko saje denki kan.. bcuz he's better than u..or i mean MORE better than u... 

And know what! aku still remember dat day bile syahmi mention pasal AGM PPIK terima kasih atas KEBIJAKSANAAN ko yang terlampau BIJAK tu yg xreti nak conduct even majlis mcm tu. N ko semacam LEMBIK bile kene serang dgn juniors..hoi, brader.. kalo ko btol2 bagos, xkan smpai juniors pijak pn ko xprasan..haishh!! oh~ not to forget pasal audit meeting that day.. siyes aku malu nak ngaku ko ni YDP Persatuan.. thank god mase tu.. d one that you've called him PONDAN yg tlg jawab soklan-soklan dari academic auditors tu.. n ko plak merapu entah hape2.. i've counted it..more than twice ko malukan batch ko ni kat depan those lecturers.. aku ngaku aku pn bukan MT yg best.. tapi rase nye oke sket kot daripada ko yang rase ko best tapi hampeh.. 1st day meeting aku da nak naik mual.. no kidding weh.. ask d prev committee..ask kak siva.. 

aku nak quote balik stetment ko ni.. 
adakah masih patot brtahan dgn mamat sorang ni? sampai bila nk pendam je.. ala, jgn takot la kene bantai balik.. dia je ke yg leh bising2? kite xleh? apa2 pn, aku xnak objectify and make a common enemy ke atas one person.
aku rase nak gelak gile bace stetmen ni... dude! u shud realize ayat tu spatotnye ko tujukan dkat diri sendiri.. not that 'mamat' yg ko maksudkan dalam stetmen tu.. adekah masih patot aku bertahan dgn ko wahai engkau? smpai bile aku nak pendam je? n now aku xkesa ko nak bantai aku balik ke hape dude~ because i do realize mmg aku tak SEBAGOS ko..n aku bukanlah MT yg BEST mcm ko... tapi aku bersyukur yg aku BUKAN mcm ko... ko je ke bleh bising2? dia xleh? aku xleh? ape2 pn aku xnak objectify and make a common enemy ke atas one person.. tapi kan.. whatever u may write.. mcm syahmi cakap..those words will never change the fact that people will forever hate you... i've heard so many things about u.. xcukup dgn batchmate.. even seniors pn ade yg meluat n menyampah dgn perangai ko 2.. siyes dok..aku xtipu! n aku xtkejot pn bile aku dpt taw ko kene pulau... 

oh! today aku rase seronot sgt.. for a year aku pendam je perasaan ni.. n only syahmi, ikram..alep, bella n those certain PPIK committee je yang taw betapa aku "SUKE" sgt dgn cara ko yg belagak konon studen cemerlang yg cecah 4 Flat tu.. dude~ cermin la diri sket sikit.. pegang perut tanye otak ko 2.. ko xseda ke org2 sekeliling dok gelak2 dgn cara ko yg belagak mcm best tu ek?? hoi! if they're that "stupid" as you mentioned mase meeting last semester depan all those lecturers, knpe CGPA diowg lagi bagos dari ko ek?? sbb diowg "STUPID" eh?? siyes stetmen ko mase tu wat aku muntah kaler2...

thank god syahmi provide d link ke blog ko.. ehh..mcm nak mati tak bace entry ko yg konon ko bagus gile..! retarded-bitch punye orang.. even though aku bukan classmate ko (thank god aku BUKAN classmate ko).. tapi jadi committee membe pn dah wat aku MENYAMPAH dgn perangai ko yg TERLEBIH BAGOS 2... n one more thing.. aku harap ko berubah la wei.. bawak2 tobat.. mcm ko mention dlm blog ko 2.. sendiri punye kubur la beb..  yeah! we all know la kubur lain2.. tapi atleast syahmi da buat yg tbaik utk diri how about u?? berkepit everyday lentok2 kepala.. ko rase ko beriman sangat la ye? aku rase better berubah sblom ayat ko 2 berbalik kat diri ko plak.. bace balik kat blog ko 2 sndiri...malas nak quote2!

credit to syahmi n thanks a lot for d entries.. finally aku bleh luahkan rase SUKE dalam ati ni.. for almost a year aku simpan n now.. i bleh luahkan dengan jayanya... i've never cursed anyone before.. n dis is my first time cursing a retarded fat pig! Alep..Ikram..Syahmi.. thanks a lot for being a good listener for this two semesters...

oh! btw, Nabil.. i'm so sorry for the curse.. aku cume rase pissed off je~ huhu!

sekian terima kasih,
yang benar,
NYDP ko... huh!

0 daH KomeN?:


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